Loading Mouse GIF

Conditions of Use

Proper attribution to the MMRRC should be included in any public display of the data provided here.

Summary Description of Data

  • For each Strain ID - Strain Designation - Strain Type combination, there will be one or more lines in the file.
  • If a strain carries more than one mutation, each Mutation description, i.e., the set: (Mutation Type - Chromosome - Gene Symbol - Gene Name - Allele Symbol - Allele Name) will require a separate line.
Column Description Sample Data
Strain/Stock ID The unique ID used by your site to represent this strain. Format is MMRRC: 6 digit ID-abbreviation for holding center. 036643-UCD
Strain/Stock Designation Full strain name. Superscripted portions of the name are enclosed in < >. STOCK Tg(Nmu-cre)RJ32Gsat/Mmucd
Strain Type Type of strain, comma-separated list. See below for the accepted list of strain types. UN
State State in which the strain is held. Like strain type, if a strain is held in multiple states at a given site, it should be included as a comma-separated list. See below for strain state abbreviations. EM, SP
MGI Allele Accession ID This is the MGI Accession ID for the Allele. Use of this field should make providing allele symbol and name unnecessary. MGI:5435514
Allele Symbol Allele associated with this gene and strain. If a strain carries multiple alleles, a separate line is required for each. Tg(Nmu-cre)RJ32Gsat
Allele Name Name of the Allele transgene insertion RJ32, GENSAT Project at Rockefeller University
Mutation Type For each mutant allele, specifies the type of mutation that it represents. Usually there will be only one mutation type per Allele. Should there be an exception to this rule, these should be submitted as a comma-separated list. See below for mutation type abbreviations. TG
Chromosome Chromosome on which the Gene is located. 5
MGI Gene Accession ID This is the MGI Accession ID for the Gene. Use of this field should make providing gene symbol and name unnecessary. (Optional) MGI:1860476
Gene Symbol Gene Symbol for mutation carried in this strain. If a strain carries multiple gene mutations, a separate line is required for each. Nmu
Gene Name Name of the Gene neuromedin U
URL Link to MMRRC strain data sheet https://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/getSDS.php?mmrrc_id=36643.php
Accepted Date Shows the date that the strain was accepted (by the Center it was assigned to) 2012-04-02
MPT IDs Contains all Mammalian Phenotype Term ID(s) linked to this strain, each term separated from the previous by a space N/A
Pubmed IDs List the unique identifiers of entries in Pubmed associated with the strain 14586460 17855595
Research Areas Lists Research Areas associated with the strain Cell Biology, Developmental Biology, Neurobiology, Research Tools
Strain TypeAbbreviation
ISinbred strain
SEGsegregating inbred strain
MSRmutant strain
MSKmutant stock
WDSwild-derived inbred strain
COIcoisogenic strain
CONcongenic strain
CSSconsomic or chromosome substitution strain
RIrecombinant inbred (RI)
RCrecombinant congenic (RC)
MAHmajor histocompatibility congenic
MIHminor histocompatibility congenic
NONnoninbred stock
CCOclosed colony
Strain StateAbbreviation
LMLive mouse
EMcryopreserved embryos
SPcryopreserved or freeze-dried sperm
ESES cell lines
CUCurrently Unavailable
Mutation TypeAbbreviation
SMspontaneous mutation
TMtargeted mutation
GTgene trap
CIchemically induced mutation
RADradiation induced mutation
CHchromosomal aberration
RBRobertsonian translocation
TLreciprocal translocation