Loading Mouse GIF

Types of Strain Submissions

If the strain you are submitting is pre-authorized, you will be asked on the application form to indicate which NIH Institute has arranged with the MMRRC to acquire your strain. Such submissions will be verified as pre-authorized by the MMRRC. If no matching authorization is found, the submission will be processed as a standard, reviewed submission. For either type of submission, the donor is responsible for the costs to prepare and ship mice to the designated MMRRC facility.

Pre-Authorized Pre-authorized submissions are intended for researchers who have one or more strains pre-approved for transfer to the MMRRC by their NIH Program Officer. The donor will be asked to identify the sponsoring institute. Program Officers must receive approval from the MMRRC's DPCPSI Program Officer to pre-authorize strains.
All Others For other submissions, the donor will be asked whether they have funding available to subsidize the costs of repositing the strain for subsequent redistribution. Donors with funding to subsidize the importation and preservation of their strain may specify a preferred MMRRC facility for maintenance. Strain submissions without funding support will be fully reviewed by the MMRRC's Coordinating Committee to determine if the strain has sufficient value to be preserved using the MMRRC's funding.