
Benefits of Donation

Thank you for your interest in submitting your mouse strain to the Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Centers (MMRRC).

The MMRRC exists to serve the research community by preserving and distributing biomedically valuable mouse strains and mutagenated cell line collections. The Donating Investigator (DI) or their institution retains ownership of the strain. The MMRRC acts with the DI's and their institution's authorization to distribute their strain.

To assure the broadest benefit to the biomedical research community, the MMRRC encourages that strains be submitted with minimal restrictions; the only donor-stipulated restrictions the MMRRC accepts is to restrict redistribution to non-profit institutions, or require for-profit institutions to obtain a license agreement prior to redistribution. In order to minimize administrative delays, it is the responsibility of the Requesting Investigator to obtain appropriate licenses for any relevant patents if necessary.

The MMRRC members meet monthly to review new submission applications. Submissions undergo a thorough review of the application and cited references and are evaluated according to the MMRRC's Review Criteria for acceptance for preservation in the repository.

Pre-authorized submissions are assigned primarily to the most appropriate MMRRC facility.

After acceptance and assignment, the MMRRC Informatics Center needs to obtain an MTA from the donor's institution and the geneotyping protocol used in the donor's laboratory. Additionally, the assigned MMRRC facility needs a copy of the most recent Health Status Monitor Report. The assigned facility will work closely with you throughout the remainder of the transfer process. The donating institution is responsible for the cost of shipping their strain(s) to the assigned MMRRC facility.

The next submission review date will be: Tuesday August 20, 2024. Strains submitted prior to the first Tuesday of the month will be reviewed.

Start Strain Submission