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Special Arrangements

  1. Delayed Release:

    To encourage the submission of valuable mouse strains while the Donating Investigator (DI) awaits the publication of the first paper describing the strain, the submission form includes an option to request Delayed Release. If the strain is accepted with Delayed Release, the MMRRC will not list the strain in the MMRRC website catalog, and the strain will not be available for distribution to other researchers during the Delayed Release period, which is the time between acceptance of the strain by the MMRRC and publication of the first paper, up to a maximum of 12 months. During this Delayed Release period, the assigned MMRRC facility will import and cryopreserve the strain. The DI should notify the MMRRC (sacoord@mmrrc.org) of a pending or actual publication.

    Pursuant to NIH policy, the MMRRC will list the strain in the MMRRC Catalog and make mice available as soon as feasible after the expiration of the Delayed Release period or sooner upon the DI’s approval.

    The DI is requested to cite the MMRRC (www.mmrrc.org) as providers of the strain in manuscripts describing research using the strain.

  2. Allowed Restrictions on Distribution of an MMRRC Strain:
    • Non-Profit Only:
      • This distribution restriction accommodates a donating institution's concerns about possible Intellectual Property or patent issues.
      • The donating investigator (or their institution's Technology Transfer official) may elect to limit MMRRC distribution of their strain to non-profit or academic institutions by selecting this option on the MMRRC's Donor MTA form.
      • The MMRRC will not knowingly distribute or ship such strains to any commercial entity, but will refer inquiries from such for-profit entities back to the donor and their institution to obtain the material.
      • The donor institution negotiates terms of transfer with the recipient and supplies the material directly.
      • The MMRRC retains its non-exclusive right to distribute the donor's strain; agreements between the recipient and donor institution must not restrict the MMRRC's ability to distribute the material to other qualified recipients.
    • Licensing Agreement for Commercial Entity:
      • This distribution restriction accommodates a donating institution's concerns about possible Intellectual Property or patent issues while still allowing the MMRRC to distribute their strain.
      • The donating investigator (or their institution's Technology Transfer official) may elect to require a licensing agreement be in place prior to MMRRC distribution of their strain to commercial or for-profit entities by selecting this option on the MMRRC's Donor MTA form.
      • Upon receiving an order for the line from a commercial entity, the MMRRC will direct the commercial entity back to the donor and their institution to negotiate and execute a licensing agreement; once the licensing agreement is in place, the MMRRC will proceed with order processing and fulfillment.
      • The donor institution negotiates terms of the licensing agreement with the commercial entity recipient; the MMRRC supplies the material directly to the commercial entity.
    • Patents:
      • The MMRRC does not attempt to track and enforce any patent claims; it is the responsibility of the donating and recipient investigators to obtain any necessary permissions or licenses for the transfer and use of mice or related materials.