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Linking to the MMRRC Website

To provide open access to pages within the MMRRC website, we offer several URLs that accept arguments in the URL Query String. The query string acts as a set of arguments passed to the server along with the page request. (The query string section of a URL begins with the "?" character; the remaining portion of the URL comprises the Query String.)

Our parameterized target pages process these arguments to retrieve the desired content. This section describes how to create links to specific kinds of pages, such as Strain Detail Sheets, a pre-defined Catalog Search request, and the MMRRC request form partially completed for specific products.

Linking to MMRRC Strain Detail Sheets

Investigators wishing to publicize information about their strains on their own website may want to include a link to the MMRRC's Strain Detail Sheet (SDS) for the specific strain. This helps visiting investigators find the information more easily. The SDS page includes information about the strain from the donating investigator, as well as additional details from the MMRRC, such as genotyping protocols and availability.

With the MMRRC strain's Stock ID, you can request any available Strain Detail Sheet using a Query String parameterized URL:


where #### is replaced with the MMRRC stock ID for the strain.

For example, to request the Detail Sheet for MMRRC:000001-UNC, use the following link:

<a href="http://www.mmrrc.org/catalog/getSDS.php?mmrrc_id=MMRRC:000001-UNC">MMRRC Detail Page for my strain</a>

Linking to the MMRRC Catalog

Donating investigators may want to direct other researchers to a full listing of their strains using the MMRRC catalog. Most queries that can be done using the Catalog Search Form can be specified as a URL with a Query String.

The MMRRC catalog search URL can accept arguments (passed as a Query String appended to the URL) allowing other resources to provide links to subsets of the MMRRC catalog. This is especially useful for contributor organizations to list all strains related to their program. For example, a listing of all strains associated with the fictitious program ZYX would use the URL:


The relevant parameters (and suitable values) are:

  • gene_search (Gene/Allele Symbol, Gene/Allele Name)
  • symName (contains, equals, begins, ends)
  • lowerCaseSymbol (any gene or allele symbol or name)
  • numName ([URL escaped:] =, <, >, between, <=, >=, <>, in)
  • MmrrcId (Stock ID number corresponding to the previous operation; for between operator use "# and #" format)
  • Alteration (any value from the Alteration Type pulldown list)
  • SourceCollection (any value from the Major Collection pulldown list, URL escaped)
  • InitialMaintenanceLevel (Both, EScelllines, Mice)
  • Status (AVD, Importation, and/or Accepted; may list once for each category desired)

Always include this portion of the Query String in order to execute the search: jboEvent=Search
Without it, the search form may be filled out, but the search will not be executed or the results may not function correctly.

Linking to MMRRC's Request Form

External resources can provide their users with links for initiating a request for a specified MMRRC strain or cell line. An argument is appended to this base URL: https://www.mmrrc.org/OTS/startRequest.do?_StrainSelectionViewselectedStrainTx=.

The Request Form URL accepts an ID or a comma-separated list of IDs for the material being requested. Examples of valid URLs for a single strain or cell line include:

An MMRRC stock ID for a strain is the strain ID number followed by a hyphen and then the MMRRC facility's MMRRC ID. Examples of valid stock IDs are: 000001-UNC, and 130-MU.

You may also use a cell line ID with a cell line collection qualifier, using the form: ????:#### where ???? is the MMRRC's collection code and #### is the collection's unique Cell Line ID. Examples of valid Cell Line IDs include: BayGenomics:BGA185, and SIGTR:AA0002.

Multiple strains or lines can be specified using a single comma-separated list of IDs corresponding to the above stock or cell line ID patterns; for example, ordering both a mutant strain and its control:

To work correctly, each supplied ID must correspond to a single MMRRC strain or cell line and each must be currently available for distribution. If an ID is invalid or the strain is not currently available at the MMRRC, the user may encounter a "No Data Found" error on our Request Form.

Contact us (support@mmrrc.org) if you need assistance establishing links between your web pages and the MMRRC website.