Loading Mouse GIF

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Other Names:
R2940 (G1), C57BL/6J-MtgxR2940Btlr
Major Collection:

Strain Information

Name: carboxypeptidase E
Synonyms: carboxypeptidase H, CPH, Cph1, Cph-1, NF-alpha1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 12876
Homologene: 48052
Name: microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1
Synonyms: Acf7, Aclp7, trabeculin alpha
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 11426
Homologene: 136191
Name: CLK4-associating serine/arginine rich protein
Synonyms: SWAP2, Srsf16, Sfrs16
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 53609
Homologene: 134306
Name: FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 4
Synonyms: Frabin-gamma, Frabin-beta, Frabin-alpha, Frabin, 9330209B17Rik, ZFYVE6
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 224014
Homologene: 26727
Name: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 4
Synonyms: MTK1, MAPKKK4, D17Rp17, RP17, D17Rp17e, Mekk4, T-associated sex reversal, Tas
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 26407
VEGA: 17
Homologene: 31346
Name: SUMO/sentrin specific peptidase 6
Synonyms: E130319N12Rik, 2810017C20Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 215351
Homologene: 9196
Name: dedicator of cytokinesis 6
Synonyms: 2410095B20Rik, 4931431C02Rik, C330023D02Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 319899
Homologene: 83291
Name: sorbin and SH3 domain containing 1
Synonyms: c-Cbl-associated protein, CAP, Sh3d5, 9530001P15Rik, 2310065E01Rik, Ponsin
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 20411
VEGA: 19
Homologene: 83252
Name: bridge-like lipid transfer protein family member 1
Synonyms: Tweek, FSA, 4932438A13Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 229227
Homologene: 52105
Name: eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit A
Synonyms: Csma, Eif3, A830012B05Rik, Eif3s10
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 13669
VEGA: 19
Homologene: 2779
Name: inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor 1
Synonyms: P400, IP3R1, Itpr-1, Ip3r, Pcp-1, opt, InsP3R type I, Pcp1, wblo
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 16438
Homologene: 1673
Name: exportin 7
Synonyms: Ranbp16, 4930506C02Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 65246
VEGA: 14
Homologene: 22857
Name: DNA methyltransferase 1-associated protein 1
Synonyms: 1500016M21Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 66233
Homologene: 41311
Name: deleted in malignant brain tumors 1
Synonyms: CRP-[b], CRP-[a], ebnerin, hensin, vomeroglandin, Crpd, MUCLIN, gp300
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 12945
Homologene: 68990
Name: lectin, mannose-binding, 1
Synonyms: ERGIC53, MCFD1, F5F8D, gp58, MR60, 2610020P13Rik, P58
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 70361
Homologene: 4070
Name: family with sequence similarity 180, member A
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 208164
Homologene: 18283
Name: fibrinogen C domain containing 1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 98970
Homologene: 122246
Name: APC, WNT signaling pathway regulator
Synonyms: Min, CC1, adenomatosis polyposis coli
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 11789
Homologene: 30950
Name: heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1
Synonyms: E430005G16Rik, Hnrph1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 59013
Homologene: 31318
Name: coactivator-associated arginine methyltransferase 1
Synonyms: Prmt4, m9Bei
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 59035
Homologene: 10990
Name: tubulin, beta 6 class V
Synonyms: 2310057H16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 67951
VEGA: 18
Homologene: 69414
Name: NMD3 ribosome export adaptor
Synonyms: C87860
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 97112
Homologene: 6127
Name: zinc finger SWIM-type containing 4
Synonyms: E130119J17Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 212168
Homologene: 18183
Name: mitotic deacetylase associated SANT domain protein
Synonyms: 9430029N19Rik, C130039O16Rik, Elmsan1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 238317
Homologene: 19330
Name: protein O-linked mannose beta 1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
Synonyms: 0610016I07Rik, 4930467B06Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 68273
Homologene: 9806
Name: transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 1
Synonyms: capsaicin receptor, VR-1, OTRPC1, Vr1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 193034
Homologene: 12920
Name: cyclic nucleotide gated channel beta 1
Synonyms: Cngb1, Cngb1b, BC016201
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 333329
Homologene: 136420
Name: retinol binding protein 3, interstitial
Synonyms: Irbp, Rbp-3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 19661
VEGA: 14
Homologene: 9261
Name: ISL1 transcription factor, LIM/homeodomain
Synonyms: Islet 1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 16392
Homologene: 1661
Name: tectorin alpha
Synonyms: [a]-tectorin, Tctna
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 21683
Homologene: 3955
Name: G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2
Synonyms: beta ARK, beta ARK1, beta-AR kinase-1, beta-adrenergic receptor kinase-1, Bark-1, Adrbk-1, betaARK1, Adrbk1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 110355
Homologene: 1223
Name: KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 3
Synonyms: SLM-2, T-STAR, Etle, Salp
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 13992
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 4780
Name: solute carrier family 26, member 6
Synonyms: CFEX, Pat1, B930010B04Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 171429
Homologene: 99903
Name: pleckstrin
Synonyms: 2010300B13Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 56193
Homologene: 2000
Name: olfactory receptor family 8 subfamily G member 34
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2PVTD-33158015-33158950, MOR171-42, MOR171-53, Olfr954
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 258328
Homologene: 71961
Name: tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39D
Synonyms: 4930560E09Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 67737
Homologene: 65053
Name: adenylate cyclase 2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 210044
VEGA: 13
Homologene: 75133
Name: crystallin beta-gamma domain containing 2
Synonyms: Aim1l
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 230806
Homologene: 19232
Name: olfactory receptor family 8 subfamily B member 12I
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2PVTD-13912679-13911744, MOR141-1, Olfr870
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 57251
Homologene: 138319
Name: SH3 domain containing ring finger 2
Synonyms: RNF158, 9130023G24Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 269016
Homologene: 17618
Name: cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 26
Synonyms: 1300006E06Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 76279
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 130660
Name: DIX domain containing 1
Synonyms: 4930563F16Rik, Ccd1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 330938
Homologene: 82369
Name: RAS protein-specific guanine nucleotide-releasing factor 1
Synonyms: CDC25Mm, CDC25, Grfbeta, Grf1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 19417
Homologene: 74972
Name: insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1
Synonyms: IGFBP-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 16006
Homologene: 498
Name: solute carrier family 13 (sodium/sulfate symporters), member 1
Synonyms: NaSi-1, Nas1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 55961
Homologene: 31893
Name: phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class C
Synonyms: 3110030E07Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 67292
Homologene: 7109
Name: major urinary protein 21
Synonyms: Gm11208
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 381531
Homologene: 74304
Name: SH3 domain and tetratricopeptide repeats 2
Synonyms: D430044G18Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 225608
VEGA: 18
Homologene: 11596
Type: Gene
Species: Mus musculus (mouse)
Chromosome: 9
Name: ring finger protein 25
Synonyms: AO7, 0610009H16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 57751
Homologene: 11193
Name: structural maintenance of chromosomes 1A
Synonyms: Smc1, SB1.8, SMCB, 5830426I24Rik, Smc1alpha, Smc1l1
Type: Gene
Species: Mus musculus (mouse)
Chromosome: X
NCBI: 24061
Homologene: 4597
Name: armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 6
Type: Gene
Species: Mus musculus (mouse)
Chromosome: X
NCBI: 278097
Homologene: 10373
Name: hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase-like
Synonyms: C330022E15Rik, 1500017E18Rik, 2810014I23Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 68977
Homologene: 57062
Name: ribosomal protein S18, pseudogene 6
Synonyms: Gm10260
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 100039740
VEGA: 13
Genetic Alterations
ENU-induced transitions at the following base pair locations (GRCm38):
  • A to G, chromosome 1 at 74,595,888 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 1 at 161,970,670 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 2 at 31,817,264 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 31,940,702 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 3 at 36,958,805 bp
  • C to G, chromosome 3 at 55,934,624 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 3 at 69,724,399 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 4 at 62,149,347 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 4 at 116,154,824 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 4 at 117,676,005 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 4 at 123,374,305 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 134,082,434 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 143,966,677 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 6 at 24,090,780 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 6 at 35,313,629 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 6 at 108,405,391 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 7 at 19,585,240 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 7 at 131,097,513 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 8 at 64,597,446 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 8 at 71,334,337 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 8 at 84,223,748 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 95,252,107 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 107,262,837 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 9 at 20,170,765 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 9 at 21,579,396 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 9 at 21,839,200 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 39,461,930 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 9 at 42,377,994 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 50,710,959 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 80,143,842 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 9 at 89,991,714 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 9 at 99,232,474 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 108,857,037 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 11 at 7,201,970 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 11 at 16,992,887 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 11 at 50,383,677 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 11 at 73,254,849 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 12 at 84,156,471 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 13 at 68,730,305 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 13 at 116,308,299 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 14 at 33,956,018 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 14 at 70,667,136 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 14 at 70,667,137 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 15 at 69,049,390 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 15 at 82,790,967 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 16 at 16,469,690 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 17 at 12,261,270 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 17 at 25,785,086 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 17 at 80,217,553 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 18 at 34,276,670 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 18 at 42,111,440 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 18 at 61,989,686 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 18 at 65,984,273 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 18 at 67,401,924 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 19 at 4,290,696 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 19 at 40,373,571 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 19 at 60,773,677 bp
  • A to T, chromosome X at 134,749,876 bp
  • T to A, chromosome X at 152,033,699 bp
Genotype Determination
G1 male heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. The G1 mice were not characterized prior to archiving.
Strain Development
C57BL/6J mice were injected with ENU, resulting in G0 mice that were bred back to C57BL/6J. Sperm was archived from G1 male mice that produced viable G2 mice.
Suggested Control Mice
Wild-type littermates or C57BL/6J mice
MMRRC Genetic QC Summary
The MMRRC Centers have developed a genetic QC pipeline using MiniMUGA array genotyping to provide additional information on strain backgrounds for MMRRC congenic and inbred strains. For more information on when data may be available, or to request genotyping for a strain of interest, please contact mmrrc@missouri.edu. Older strains may not have this information.
Bruce Beutler, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Primary Reference
MUTAGENETIX record for R2940 (G1). B. Beutler and colleagues, Center for the Genetics of Host Defense, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.

Colony and Husbandry Information

Colony Surveillance Program and Current Health Reports

Mice recovered from a cryo-archive will have health surveillance performed on recipient females. Health reports will be provided prior to shipment. If you require additional health status information, please email mmrrc@missouri.edu.
Coat Color
MMRRC Breeding System
Random intra-strain mating
Breeding Scheme(s)
When maintaining a live colony, heterozygous mice may be bred together, bred with wild-type siblings, or bred with C57BL/6J inbred mice.
Overall Breeding Performance
Undetermined; during development, mating was done with heterozygous males; viability, fertility and other breeding statistics for heterozygous females and homozygotes are unverified, but presumably would be similar to the C57BL/6J background strain
Average litter size
Recommended wean age
3 weeks

Order Request Information

Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive; recovered litter usually available to ship in 3 to 4 months.

Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Distribution of this strain requires submission of the MMRRC Conditions of Use (COU). A link to the COU web form will be provided via email after an order has been placed; the form should be completed then or the email forwarded to your institutional official for completion.

The donor or their institution limits the distribution to non-profit institutions only.

Additional charges may apply for any special requests. Shipping costs are in addition to the basic distribution/resuscitation fees. Information on shipping costs and any additional charges will be provided by the supplying MMRRC facility.

Click button to Request this one strain. (Use the MMRRC Catalog Search to request more than one strain.)
MMRRC Item # Description Distribution Fee / Unit (US $)
*Shipping & Handling not included*
Units Notes
040517-MU-RESUS Litter recovered from cryo-archive $5,475.00 / Non-Profit Litter Recovered litter4; additional fees for any special requests.
Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Some MMRRC strains were submitted by the donor as cryopreserved germplasm, and because these strains were not cryopreserved by the MMRRC, we have not assessed the quality, nor genotype, of this material. Our expertise in reviving mice from various qualities of frozen sperm and embryos, using methods like IVF and ICSI, gives us confidence in successful recoveries in most cases. However, due to the uncertain quality of these samples, we'll limit revival attempts to two per order. Additional attempts are available for a fee, on top of standard charges, if requested. It's important to note that some strains may lack the expected mutation, so we can't assure successful order fulfillment until we attempt to revive the strain.

1 The distribution fee covers the expense of rederiving mice from a live mouse; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

2 An aliquot contains a sufficient number of embryos (in one or more vials or straws and based on the transfer success rate of the MMRRC facility) to transfer into one to three recipients. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning embryo transfer success experienced in the recipient investigator's laboratory. Neither gender nor genotype ratios are guaranteed.

3 An aliquot is one straw or vial with sufficient sperm to recover at least one litter of mice, as per provided protocols, when performed at the MMRRC facility. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning the success of these procedures when performed outside the MMRRC facilities.

4 The distribution fee covers the expense of resuscitating mice from the cryo-archive; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

To request material from the MMRRC: Please fill out our on-line request form (accessible from the catalog search results page, or click the Request this Strain button in the fees section). If you have questions or need assistance completing this form, you may call Customer Service at (800) 910-2291 (in USA or Canada) or (530) 757-5710 (international calls). Before you call, please have with you: the MMRRC item number, quantity needed, Bill-to and Ship-to contact information.