Loading Mouse GIF

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Other Names:
R4815 (G1), C57BL/6J-MtgxR4815Btlr
Major Collection:

Strain Information

Name: myosin X
Synonyms: myosin-X, D15Ertd600e
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 17909
Homologene: 36328
Name: ankyrin 2, brain
Synonyms: ankyrin B, Ank-2, Ankyrin-2, Ankyrin-B, Gm4392
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 109676
Name: 5'-3' exoribonuclease 1
Synonyms: mXrn1, Dhm2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 24127
Homologene: 5894
Name: heat shock protein 90, alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1
Synonyms: hsp4, Hsp90, Hsp86-1, Hsp89, Hspca
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 15519
Homologene: 68464
Name: chromogranin B
Synonyms: secretogranin I, Scg-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 12653
Homologene: 1375
Name: conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase
Synonyms: Chuk1, IKK1, IKK[a], IKK-alpha, IkappaB kinase alpha, IKK 1, IKK alpha, IKKalpha, IKK-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 12675
Homologene: 979
Name: potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 4
Synonyms: Kv3.4, Kcr2-4
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 99738
Homologene: 68427
Name: transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 7
Synonyms: 5033407O22Rik, 4833414K03Rik, Ltpr7, CHAK1, CHAK, TRP-PLIK, 2310022G15Rik, LTRPC7
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 58800
Homologene: 9774
Name: zinc finger CCCH type containing 7B
Synonyms: Scrg3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 20286
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 9735
Name: diaphanous related formin 1
Synonyms: p140mDia, Drf1, Dia1, D18Wsu154e, mDia1, Diap1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 13367
Homologene: 129567
Name: zinc finger CCCH type containing 14
Synonyms: 1700016A15Rik, 1010001P15Rik, 2700069A02Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 75553
VEGA: 12
Homologene: 32605
Name: translocated promoter region, nuclear basket protein
Synonyms: 2610029M07Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 108989
Homologene: 37753
Name: mitoguardin 1
Synonyms: C030011O14Rik, Mita1, Fam73a
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 215708
Homologene: 18369
Name: lysine (K)-specific methyltransferase 2A
Synonyms: trithorax Drosophila, HTRX1, ALL-1, All1, Cxxc7, Mll, Mll1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 214162
Homologene: 4338
Name: solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, phosphate carrier), member 25
Synonyms: 1110030N17Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 227731
Homologene: 62165
Name: xanthine dehydrogenase
Synonyms: Xox-1, Xox1, Xor, xanthine oxidase, XO
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 22436
VEGA: 17
Homologene: 324
Name: telomerase associated protein 1
Synonyms: Tp1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 21745
VEGA: 14
Homologene: 5157
Name: VPS39 HOPS complex subunit
Synonyms: A230065P22Rik, Vam6P, Vam6, mVam6
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 269338
Homologene: 41025
Name: NUF2, NDC80 kinetochore complex component
Synonyms: 2410003C07Rik, Nuf2R, Cdca1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 66977
Homologene: 40205
Name: thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box
Synonyms: 1700007F02Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 252838
Homologene: 8822
Name: interactor of little elongation complex ELL subunit 2
Synonyms: B230343B06Rik, Narg2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 93697
Homologene: 11618
Name: solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5
Synonyms: Zntl1, ZnT-5, ZTL1, 1810010K08Rik, Znt5
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 69048
VEGA: 13
Homologene: 41503
Name: intraflagellar transport 122
Synonyms: C86139, Wdr10, sopb
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 81896
Homologene: 12819
Name: recombination activating 1
Synonyms: Rag-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 19373
Homologene: 387
Name: junctional cadherin 5 associated
Synonyms: 9430020K01Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 240185
VEGA: 18
Homologene: 19370
Name: DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 2
Synonyms: Dgcr2, Idd, Lan, Sez12, Dgsc, DGS-C, 9930034O06Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 13356
Homologene: 31292
Name: dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 56811
Homologene: 8681
Name: membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 14
Synonyms: LOC383435
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 383435
Homologene: 138453
Name: mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7
Synonyms: Tak1, transforming growth factor-beta-activated kinase 1, TGF-beta activated kinase 1, TAK1, transforming growth factor beta-activated kinase 1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 26409
Homologene: 118818
Name: caspase activity and apoptosis inhibitor 1
Synonyms: 5830433M19Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 67770
Homologene: 32607
Name: RAN binding protein 10
Synonyms: 4432417N03Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 74334
Homologene: 49639
Name: coiled-coil domain containing 171
Synonyms: 4930418J05Rik, A330015D16Rik, 4930473A06Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 320226
Homologene: 27942
Name: calmin
Synonyms: 9330188N17Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 94040
VEGA: 12
Homologene: 11683
Name: YTH domain containing 2
Synonyms: 3010002F02Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 240255
Homologene: 11265
Name: multiple C2 domains, transmembrane 2
Synonyms: LOC244049
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 244049
Homologene: 69254
Name: solute carrier family 9 (sodium/hydrogen exchanger), member 2
Synonyms: NHE2, 4932415O19Rik, 2210416H12Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 226999
Homologene: 20661
Name: cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily f, polypeptide 18
Synonyms: 1810054N16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 72054
Homologene: 128623
Name: titin
Synonyms: connectin, L56, mdm, 1100001C23Rik, D830007G01Rik, 2310036G12Rik, 2310074I15Rik, 2310057K23Rik, D330041I19Rik, shru
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 22138
Homologene: 130650
Name: ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 3
Synonyms: DRAG1, E030006K04Rik, Centd3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 106952
VEGA: 18
Homologene: 11199
Name: neuroligin 1
Synonyms: 6330415N05Rik, NL1, Nlg1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 192167
Homologene: 56690
Name: NLR family, pyrin domain containing 4A
Synonyms: Nalp-eta, E330028A19Rik, Nalp4a
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 243880
Homologene: 79696
Name: calcineurin-like EF hand protein 2
Synonyms: Cbhp2, 2010110P09Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 70261
Homologene: 11131
Name: dual specificity phosphatase 19
Synonyms: C79103, 5930436K22Rik, SKRP1, TS-DSP1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 68082
Homologene: 41565
Name: transforming growth factor, beta induced
Synonyms: bIG-h3, 68kDa, Beta-ig
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 21810
VEGA: 13
Homologene: 37294
Name: neuron navigator 3
Synonyms: Pomfil1p, POMFIL1, 4732483H20Rik, unc53H3, steerin 3, 9630020C08Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 260315
Homologene: 56688
Name: TBC1 domain family, member 20
Synonyms: 1110028I04Rik, 2810442O16Rik, bs
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 67231
Homologene: 32574
Name: complement component 7
Synonyms: LOC383055
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 109828
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 489
Name: interferon activated gene 208
Synonyms: E430029J22Rik, Pydc3, Pyr-rv1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 100033459
Homologene: 115929
Name: OTU domain containing 7A
Synonyms: Cezanne 2 protein, Otud7
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 170711
Homologene: 15642
Name: phospholipase C, beta 3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 18797
VEGA: 19
Homologene: 47960
Name: leucine-rich repeats and IQ motif containing 1
Synonyms: LOC380658, 4930503E15Rik, Gm1557
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 74978
Homologene: 46007
Name: S100P binding protein
Synonyms: 4930429A08Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 74648
Homologene: 81892
Name: golgin B1
Synonyms: Giantin, C130074L01Rik, F730017E11Rik, 6330407A06Rik, Gm6840
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 224139
Homologene: 68401
Name: calcium channel, voltage-dependent, beta 2 subunit
Synonyms: Cchb2, Cavbeta2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 12296
Homologene: 75191
Name: alpha-kinase 2
Synonyms: Hak
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 225638
Homologene: 50475
Name: myosin, light polypeptide kinase
Synonyms: telokin, Mlck, MLCK210, MLCK108, 9530072E15Rik, A930019C19Rik, nmMlck
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 107589
Homologene: 14202
Name: protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
Synonyms: Syndapin II
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 23970
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 21414
Name: deoxyribonuclease II alpha
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 13423
Homologene: 68179
Name: serine/arginine repetitive matrix 4
Synonyms: fp, flopsy, B230202K19Rik, nSR100, 1500001A10Rik, bv
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 5
NCBI: 68955
Homologene: 49869
Name: osteoclast stimulatory transmembrane protein
Synonyms: 4833422F24Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 74614
Homologene: 41768
Name: odr4 GPCR localization factor homolog
Synonyms: 1810053E15Rik, BC003331
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 226499
Homologene: 41202
Name: zona pellucida 3 receptor
Synonyms: SP56
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 22789
Homologene: 7609
Name: olfactory receptor family 2 subfamily AG member 1
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2PBJ9-9256348-9255398, MOR283-2, Olfr705
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 259034
Homologene: 128075
Name: ankyrin repeat and SOCS box-containing 18
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 208372
Homologene: 16382
Name: serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 5
Synonyms: Maspin, Spi7, ovalbumin, 1110036M19Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 20724
Homologene: 20580
Name: olfactory receptor family 8 subfamily S member 16
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2NBG7-5440777-5441736, GA_x6K02T2N22H-3824-2865, MOR160-3, Olfr285, Olfr257
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 257943
Homologene: 66175
Name: RNA binding motif protein 8A2
Synonyms: Y14, B020018G12Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 545388
Name: protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 5
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 93713
Homologene: 69263
Name: Xrcc1 N-terminal domain containing 1
Synonyms: Xndr
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 102443350
Homologene: 128476
Name: deoxyribonuclease 1-like 1
Synonyms: G4.8, Dnl1ll, 2310005K03Rik, Dnase1ll
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: X
NCBI: 69537
Homologene: 4896
Name: eosinophil-associated, ribonuclease A family, pseudogene 2
Type: Gene
Species: Mus musculus (mouse)
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 93743
Name: TD and POZ domain containing 6
Synonyms: Gm37596, Gm9107
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 668325
Name: shugoshin 2B
Synonyms: Gm4975, Sgol2b
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 244495
Homologene: 51867
Genetic Alterations
ENU-induced transitions at the following base pair locations (GRCm38):
  • A to T, chromosome 1 at 40,718,849 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 1 at 90,014,425 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 1 at 106,872,339 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 1 at 130,598,912 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 1 at 150,374,846 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 1 at 150,398,608 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 1 at 169,510,468 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 1 at 173,682,837 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 1 at 175,978,458 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 14,874,780 bp
  • A to C, chromosome 2 at 29,902,240 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 2 at 32,420,410 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 76,716,085 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 80,630,945 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 101,643,516 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 2 at 120,338,559 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 126,858,492 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 2 at 132,793,299 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 2 at 152,311,989 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 165,398,182 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 3 at 25,436,030 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 3 at 93,692,286 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 3 at 107,458,266 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 3 at 126,936,761 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 3 at 132,173,785 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 3 at 152,290,806 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 6,823,033 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 4 at 31,988,592 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 4 at 83,795,221 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 94,501,260 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 129,150,933 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 5 at 116,475,190 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 6 at 115,881,556 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 7 at 26,450,808 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 7 at 63,729,910 bp
  • T to G, chromosome 7 at 72,259,349 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 7 at 102,073,316 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 7 at 106,874,237 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 7 at 122,220,900 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 63,931,414 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 8 at 71,995,995 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 84,909,877 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 8 at 105,826,125 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 44,821,256 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 9 at 69,407,118 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 9 at 95,970,773 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 10 at 103,144,878 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 10 at 109,823,552 bp
  • C to G, chromosome 12 at 98,752,848 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 12 at 104,785,566 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 12 at 110,695,226 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 13 at 56,632,120 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 13 at 100,813,710 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 14 at 44,047,060 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 14 at 50,841,302 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 15 at 5,059,405 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 15 at 25,742,410 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 15 at 81,793,663 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 15 at 83,385,059 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 15 at 98,312,680 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 16 at 17,858,619 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 16 at 34,894,925 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 16 at 36,913,115 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 17 at 73,906,215 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 18 at 4,675,223 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 18 at 37,695,194 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 18 at 37,895,203 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 18 at 37,973,243 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 18 at 44,885,240 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 18 at 65,349,955 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 19 at 6,962,984 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 19 at 11,314,277 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 19 at 44,077,247 bp
  • C to T, chromosome X at 74,277,038 bp
Genotype Determination
G1 male heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. The G1 mice were not characterized prior to archiving.
Strain Development
C57BL/6J mice were injected with ENU, resulting in G0 mice that were bred back to C57BL/6J. Sperm was archived from G1 male mice that produced viable G2 mice.
Suggested Control Mice
Wild-type littermates or C57BL/6J mice
MMRRC Genetic QC Summary
The MMRRC Centers have developed a genetic QC pipeline using MiniMUGA array genotyping to provide additional information on strain backgrounds for MMRRC congenic and inbred strains. For more information on when data may be available, or to request genotyping for a strain of interest, please contact mmrrc@missouri.edu. Older strains may not have this information.
Bruce Beutler, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Primary Reference
MUTAGENETIX record for R4815 (G1). B. Beutler and colleagues, Center for the Genetics of Host Defense, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.

Colony and Husbandry Information

Colony Surveillance Program and Current Health Reports

Mice recovered from a cryo-archive will have health surveillance performed on recipient females. Health reports will be provided prior to shipment. If you require additional health status information, please email mmrrc@missouri.edu.
Coat Color
MMRRC Breeding System
Random intra-strain mating
Breeding Scheme(s)
When maintaining a live colony, heterozygous mice may be bred together, bred with wild-type siblings, or bred with C57BL/6J inbred mice.
Overall Breeding Performance
Undetermined; during development, mating was done with heterozygous males; viability, fertility and other breeding statistics for heterozygous females and homozygotes are unverified, but presumably would be similar to the C57BL/6J background strain
Average litter size
Recommended wean age
3 weeks

Order Request Information

Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive; recovered litter usually available to ship in 3 to 4 months.

Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Distribution of this strain requires submission of the MMRRC Conditions of Use (COU). A link to the COU web form will be provided via email after an order has been placed; the form should be completed then or the email forwarded to your institutional official for completion.

The donor or their institution limits the distribution to non-profit institutions only.

Additional charges may apply for any special requests. Shipping costs are in addition to the basic distribution/resuscitation fees. Information on shipping costs and any additional charges will be provided by the supplying MMRRC facility.

Click button to Request this one strain. (Use the MMRRC Catalog Search to request more than one strain.)
MMRRC Item # Description Distribution Fee / Unit (US $)
*Shipping & Handling not included*
Units Notes
042433-MU-RESUS Litter recovered from cryo-archive $5,475.00 / Non-Profit Litter Recovered litter4; additional fees for any special requests.
Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Some MMRRC strains were submitted by the donor as cryopreserved germplasm, and because these strains were not cryopreserved by the MMRRC, we have not assessed the quality, nor genotype, of this material. Our expertise in reviving mice from various qualities of frozen sperm and embryos, using methods like IVF and ICSI, gives us confidence in successful recoveries in most cases. However, due to the uncertain quality of these samples, we'll limit revival attempts to two per order. Additional attempts are available for a fee, on top of standard charges, if requested. It's important to note that some strains may lack the expected mutation, so we can't assure successful order fulfillment until we attempt to revive the strain.

1 The distribution fee covers the expense of rederiving mice from a live mouse; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

2 An aliquot contains a sufficient number of embryos (in one or more vials or straws and based on the transfer success rate of the MMRRC facility) to transfer into one to three recipients. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning embryo transfer success experienced in the recipient investigator's laboratory. Neither gender nor genotype ratios are guaranteed.

3 An aliquot is one straw or vial with sufficient sperm to recover at least one litter of mice, as per provided protocols, when performed at the MMRRC facility. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning the success of these procedures when performed outside the MMRRC facilities.

4 The distribution fee covers the expense of resuscitating mice from the cryo-archive; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

To request material from the MMRRC: Please fill out our on-line request form (accessible from the catalog search results page, or click the Request this Strain button in the fees section). If you have questions or need assistance completing this form, you may call Customer Service at (800) 910-2291 (in USA or Canada) or (530) 757-5710 (international calls). Before you call, please have with you: the MMRRC item number, quantity needed, Bill-to and Ship-to contact information.