Loading Mouse GIF

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Other Names:
R2082 (G1), C57BL/6J-MtgxR2082Btlr
Major Collection:

Strain Information

Name: myosin X
Synonyms: myosin-X, D15Ertd600e
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 17909
Homologene: 36328
Name: VPS41 HOPS complex subunit
Synonyms: Vam2, mVam2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 218035
VEGA: 13
Homologene: 69165
Name: purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 7
Synonyms: P2X7 receptor, P2X7R, P2X(7)
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 5
NCBI: 18439
Homologene: 1925
Name: UPF1 RNA helicase and ATPase
Synonyms: PNORF-1, B430202H16Rik, Rent1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 19704
Homologene: 2185
Name: collagen, type XVIII, alpha 1
Synonyms: endostatin
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 12822
Homologene: 7673
Name: heat shock protein 90, alpha (cytosolic), class A member 1
Synonyms: hsp4, Hsp90, Hsp86-1, Hsp89, Hspca
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 15519
Homologene: 68464
Name: protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide
Synonyms: DNA-PKcs, slip, DNAPDcs, XRCC7, DNA-PK, DOXNPH, dxnph
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 19090
Homologene: 5037
Name: aconitase 2, mitochondrial
Synonyms: Aco3, Aco-2, D10Wsu183e, Irp1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 11429
Homologene: 856
Name: collagen, type VI, alpha 1
Synonyms: Col6a-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 12833
Homologene: 1391
Name: pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 2
Synonyms: Sid6306, 1110013G13Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 74776
Homologene: 134244
Name: ubiquitin specific peptidase 32
Synonyms: 6430526O11Rik, 2900074J03Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 237898
Homologene: 13066
Name: solute carrier family 37 (glycerol-3-phosphate transporter), member 3
Synonyms: 2610507O21Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 72144
Homologene: 41740
Name: mitochondrial calcium uptake 1
Synonyms: C730016L05Rik, Cbara1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 216001
Homologene: 4431
Name: exocyst complex component 5
Synonyms: PRO1912, SEC10, Sec10l1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 105504
Homologene: 38195
Name: VPS35 retromer complex component
Synonyms: Mem3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 65114
Homologene: 6221
Name: tet methylcytosine dioxygenase 2
Synonyms: E130014J05Rik, Ayu17-449
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 214133
Homologene: 49498
Name: R3H domain containing 2
Synonyms: 1300003K24Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 71750
Homologene: 8954
Name: NEDD4 binding protein 2
Synonyms: LOC333789, LOC386488, B3bp
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 5
NCBI: 333789
Homologene: 32396
Name: phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, gamma
Synonyms: Pip5k2c
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 117150
VEGA: 10
Homologene: 23484
Name: solute carrier family 30 (zinc transporter), member 5
Synonyms: Zntl1, ZnT-5, ZTL1, 1810010K08Rik, Znt5
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 69048
VEGA: 13
Homologene: 41503
Name: vacuolar protein sorting 13B
Synonyms: 1810042B05Rik, Coh1, C330002D13Rik, 2310042E16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 666173
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 49516
Name: keratin 10
Synonyms: K10, K1C1, suprabasal cytokeratin 10, Krt-1.10, keratin 10, cytokeratin 10, D130054E02Rik, Krt1-10
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 16661
Homologene: 137236
Name: protein phosphatase 3, catalytic subunit, beta isoform
Synonyms: PP2BA beta, Calnb, CnAbeta, 1110063J16Rik, Cnab
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 19056
Homologene: 56429
Name: UBX domain protein 7
Synonyms: Ubxd7
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 224111
VEGA: 16
Homologene: 45585
Name: dermatan sulfate epimerase
Synonyms: B130024B19Rik, Sart2, DS-epi1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 212898
VEGA: 10
Homologene: 8354
Name: cache domain containing 1
Synonyms: 1190007F10Rik, Vwcd1, B430218L07Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 320508
Homologene: 10854
Name: carbohydrate sulfotransferase 1
Synonyms: KSGAL6ST, C6ST, 2610008E20Rik, GST-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 76969
Homologene: 2711
Name: oculocutaneous albinism II
Synonyms: D7H15S12, D7H15S12, p
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 18431
Homologene: 37281
Name: potassium channel, subfamily U, member 1
Synonyms: Slo3, Kcnma3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 16532
Homologene: 7392
Name: mitochondrial ribosomal protein L30
Synonyms: MRP-L28, Rpml28, 2310001L22Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 107734
Homologene: 32675
Name: protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type H
Synonyms: SAP-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 545902
Homologene: 37693
Name: NLR family, apoptosis inhibitory protein 6
Synonyms: Naip-rs4A, Naip-rs4, Birc1f
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 17952
Homologene: 113589
Name: interferon gamma inducible protein 30
Synonyms: lysosomal thio reductase IP30 precursor, IP30, GILT
Type: Gene
Species: Mus musculus (mouse)
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 65972
Homologene: 38171
Name: Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11
Synonyms: PDZ-RhoGEF, Prg
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 213498
Homologene: 11409
Name: TBC1 domain family, member 9
Synonyms: C76116, 4933431N12Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 71310
Homologene: 57079
Name: helicase-like transcription factor
Synonyms: P113, Snf2l3, Smarca3
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 20585
Homologene: 30136
Name: olfactory receptor family 5 subfamily K member 3
Synonyms: GA_x54KRFPKG5P-55369823-55370749, MOR184-5, Olfr195
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 16
NCBI: 259000
Homologene: 128109
Name: olfactory receptor family 56 subfamily B member 34
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2PBJ9-7917168-7918148, MOR40-5, MOR40-16, Olfr688
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 259161
Homologene: 128074
Name: formin-like 1
Synonyms: 8030453N10Rik, formin-related gene in leukocytes
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 57778
Homologene: 135620
Name: keratin 18
Synonyms: K18, Endo B, Krt1-18, CK18
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 16668
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 55448
Name: teashirt zinc finger family member 2
Synonyms: Mtsh2, Sdccag33l, 2900073F20Rik, Zfp218, teashirt2, Tsh2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 228911
Homologene: 35258
Name: Riken cDNA 4933427I04 gene
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 115489902
Name: ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 18
Synonyms: E130314N14Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 208936
Homologene: 65241
Name: IQ motif and Sec7 domain 1
Synonyms: cI-43, D6Ertd349e, BRAG2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 232227
Homologene: 82429
Name: coiled-coil domain containing 69
Synonyms: 2210021E03Rik, D11Ertd461e
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 52570
Homologene: 77613
Name: sema domain, seven thrombospondin repeats (type 1 and type 1-like), transmembrane domain (TM) and short cytoplasmic domain, (semaphorin) 5A
Synonyms: M-Sema D, semF, Semaf, 9130201M22Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 20356
VEGA: 15
Homologene: 2949
Name: adenosine deaminase, tRNA-specific 2
Synonyms: 4933426M09Rik, Deadc1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 66757
Homologene: 6262
Name: nephronophthisis 4 (juvenile) homolog (human)
Synonyms: 4930564O18Rik, nmf192
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 260305
Homologene: 9024
Name: vomeronasal 2, receptor 117
Synonyms: EG619788, V2Rp6
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 619788
Homologene: 86604
Name: cyclin dependent kinase 9
Synonyms: PITALRE
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 107951
Homologene: 55566
Name: polymerase (RNA) mitochondrial (DNA directed)
Synonyms: 1110018N15Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 216151
Homologene: 37996
Name: phosphoprotein associated with glycosphingolipid microdomains 1
Synonyms: F730007C19Rik, Cbp
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 94212
Homologene: 10198
Name: solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 16
Synonyms: FLIPT2, OKB1, OCT6, CT2, 4921504E14Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 70840
Homologene: 41957
Name: acyl-CoA synthetase medium-chain family member 2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 233799
Homologene: 70404
Name: transmembrane protein 101
Synonyms: 2610511E22Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 76547
Homologene: 12649
Name: olfactory receptor family 7 subfamily G member 27
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2PVTD-13076685-13077623, MOR150-1P, MOR150-2, MOR150-1, MOR150-1P, Olfr1522-ps1, Olfr845
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 258249
Homologene: 133689
Name: predicted gene 10842
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
Name: MTSS I-BAR domain containing 2
Synonyms: ABBA, Mtss1l
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 244654
Homologene: 70926
Name: ferrochelatase
Synonyms: fch, Fcl
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 14151
VEGA: 18
Homologene: 113
Name: complement factor H-related 1
Synonyms: Cfhl1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 50702
Homologene: 55632
Name: synaptonemal complex central element protein 1
Synonyms: 4933406J07Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 7
NCBI: 74075
Homologene: 77044
Name: ceramide synthase 4
Synonyms: 2900019C14Rik, Trh1, CerS4, Lass4
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 67260
Homologene: 11582
Name: zinc finger protein 703
Synonyms: 1110032O19Rik, Csmn1, End2, Zeppo1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 353310
Homologene: 81391
Name: RIKEN cDNA 1700001O22 gene
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 73598
Homologene: 18859
Name: caspase 14
Synonyms: mini-ICE, MICE
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 12365
VEGA: 10
Homologene: 36304
Name: profilin family, member 4
Synonyms: 2900024P18Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 382562
VEGA: 12
Homologene: 20046
Name: predicted gene 8225
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 666668
VEGA: 17
Name: cysteine-rich secretory protein 3
Synonyms: CRISP-3, SGP28, CRS3, Aeg2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 11572
Homologene: 135665
Genetic Alterations
ENU-induced transitions at the following base pair locations (GRCm38):
  • T to C, chromosome 1 at 37,895,326 bp
  • T to G, chromosome 1 at 135,884,976 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 1 at 139,550,886 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 2 at 30,796,379 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 32,709,501 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 2 at 92,613,990 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 2 at 169,886,215 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 3 at 9,699,485 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 3 at 20,064,706 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 3 at 87,725,996 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 3 at 133,370,417 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 3 at 133,485,727 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 101,002,958 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 4 at 123,860,976 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 4 at 152,559,364 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 5 at 65,807,565 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 5 at 122,644,095 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 6 at 39,345,881 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 6 at 90,694,574 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 7 at 4,550,775 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 7 at 56,297,137 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 7 at 105,288,503 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 7 at 119,580,634 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 7 at 140,779,896 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 4,518,236 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 8 at 25,921,549 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 26,978,988 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 8 at 70,341,572 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 70,763,728 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 8 at 83,270,987 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 8 at 85,263,465 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 110,726,257 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 8 at 113,775,333 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 9 at 19,339,278 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 10 at 13,560,163 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 10 at 34,155,940 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 10 at 40,585,339 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 10 at 59,863,307 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 10 at 76,709,596 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 10 at 77,059,293 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 10 at 78,715,033 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 10 at 79,743,512 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 10 at 127,199,089 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 10 at 127,484,855 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 11 at 55,052,389 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 11 at 85,030,512 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 11 at 99,388,875 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 11 at 102,153,377 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 11 at 103,192,025 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 11 at 105,147,083 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 12 at 4,775,439 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 12 at 110,692,827 bp
  • T to G, chromosome 13 at 18,852,351 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 13 at 100,304,344 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 13 at 100,806,533 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 14 at 20,508,678 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 14 at 49,015,587 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 15 at 25,785,993 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 15 at 32,618,856 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 15 at 35,910,746 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 15 at 81,913,695 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 15 at 102,031,020 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 16 at 15,715,963 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 16 at 32,376,036 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 16 at 59,148,885 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 17 at 23,460,256 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 17 at 26,543,696 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 17 at 40,225,860 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 18 at 64,458,189 bp
Genotype Determination
G1 male heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. The G1 mice were not characterized prior to archiving.
Strain Development
C57BL/6J mice were injected with ENU, resulting in G0 mice that were bred back to C57BL/6J. Sperm was archived from G1 male mice that produced viable G2 mice.
Suggested Control Mice
Wild-type littermates or C57BL/6J mice
MMRRC Genetic QC Summary
The MMRRC Centers have developed a genetic QC pipeline using MiniMUGA array genotyping to provide additional information on strain backgrounds for MMRRC congenic and inbred strains. For more information on when data may be available, or to request genotyping for a strain of interest, please contact mmrrc@missouri.edu. Older strains may not have this information.
Bruce Beutler, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Primary Reference
MUTAGENETIX record for R2082 (G1). B. Beutler and colleagues, Center for the Genetics of Host Defense, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.

Colony and Husbandry Information

Colony Surveillance Program and Current Health Reports

Mice recovered from a cryo-archive will have health surveillance performed on recipient females. Health reports will be provided prior to shipment. If you require additional health status information, please email mmrrc@missouri.edu.
Coat Color
MMRRC Breeding System
Random intra-strain mating
Breeding Scheme(s)
When maintaining a live colony, heterozygous mice may be bred together, bred with wild-type siblings, or bred with C57BL/6J inbred mice.
Overall Breeding Performance
Undetermined; during development, mating was done with heterozygous males; viability, fertility and other breeding statistics for heterozygous females and homozygotes are unverified, but presumably would be similar to the C57BL/6J background strain
Average litter size
Recommended wean age
3 weeks

Order Request Information

Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive; recovered litter usually available to ship in 3 to 4 months.

Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Distribution of this strain requires submission of the MMRRC Conditions of Use (COU). A link to the COU web form will be provided via email after an order has been placed; the form should be completed then or the email forwarded to your institutional official for completion.

The donor or their institution limits the distribution to non-profit institutions only.

Additional charges may apply for any special requests. Shipping costs are in addition to the basic distribution/resuscitation fees. Information on shipping costs and any additional charges will be provided by the supplying MMRRC facility.

Click button to Request this one strain. (Use the MMRRC Catalog Search to request more than one strain.)
MMRRC Item # Description Distribution Fee / Unit (US $)
*Shipping & Handling not included*
Units Notes
040087-MU-RESUS Litter recovered from cryo-archive $5,475.00 / Non-Profit Litter Recovered litter4; additional fees for any special requests.
Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Some MMRRC strains were submitted by the donor as cryopreserved germplasm, and because these strains were not cryopreserved by the MMRRC, we have not assessed the quality, nor genotype, of this material. Our expertise in reviving mice from various qualities of frozen sperm and embryos, using methods like IVF and ICSI, gives us confidence in successful recoveries in most cases. However, due to the uncertain quality of these samples, we'll limit revival attempts to two per order. Additional attempts are available for a fee, on top of standard charges, if requested. It's important to note that some strains may lack the expected mutation, so we can't assure successful order fulfillment until we attempt to revive the strain.

1 The distribution fee covers the expense of rederiving mice from a live mouse; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

2 An aliquot contains a sufficient number of embryos (in one or more vials or straws and based on the transfer success rate of the MMRRC facility) to transfer into one to three recipients. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning embryo transfer success experienced in the recipient investigator's laboratory. Neither gender nor genotype ratios are guaranteed.

3 An aliquot is one straw or vial with sufficient sperm to recover at least one litter of mice, as per provided protocols, when performed at the MMRRC facility. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning the success of these procedures when performed outside the MMRRC facilities.

4 The distribution fee covers the expense of resuscitating mice from the cryo-archive; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

To request material from the MMRRC: Please fill out our on-line request form (accessible from the catalog search results page, or click the Request this Strain button in the fees section). If you have questions or need assistance completing this form, you may call Customer Service at (800) 910-2291 (in USA or Canada) or (530) 757-5710 (international calls). Before you call, please have with you: the MMRRC item number, quantity needed, Bill-to and Ship-to contact information.