Loading Mouse GIF

Strain Name:
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Other Names:
R6536 (G1)
Major Collection:

Strain Information

Name: glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase 2, mitochondrial
Synonyms: Gdm1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 14571
Homologene: 352
Name: tensin 3
Synonyms: TEM6, F830010I22Rik, Tens1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 11
NCBI: 319939
Homologene: 49713
Name: potassium voltage gated channel, Shaw-related subfamily, member 4
Synonyms: Kv3.4, Kcr2-4
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 99738
Homologene: 68427
Name: ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2
Synonyms: Autotaxin, Npps2, PD-Ialpha, Pdnp2, ATX
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 18606
Homologene: 4526
Name: WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil
Synonyms: Wwp4, 1110067P07Rik, A230035H12Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 225131
Homologene: 41148
Name: kinesin family member 1B
Synonyms: D4Mil1e, Kif1b alpha, Kif1b beta, KIF1Bp130, KIF1Bp204, N-3 kinesin, A530096N05Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 16561
Homologene: 99835
Name: ATP synthase F1 subunit gamma
Synonyms: F1 gamma, 1700094F02Rik, Atp5c1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 11949
Homologene: 3792
Name: CD320 antigen
Synonyms: NG29, D17Ertd716e, 8D6, VLDL, 425O18-1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 54219
Homologene: 9573
Name: cripto, EGF-CFC family member
Synonyms: CR1, Tdgf1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 9
NCBI: 21667
Homologene: 2416
Name: chloride channel accessory 4B
Synonyms: AI747448
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 99709
Homologene: 40808
Name: multiple PDZ domain crumbs cell polarity complex component
Synonyms: MUPP1, B930003D11Rik, multiple PDZ domain protein
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 17475
Homologene: 2841
Name: polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide G
Synonyms: RPC32, 2310047G20Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 13
NCBI: 67486
Homologene: 38184
Name: A kinase anchor protein 11
Synonyms: 6330501D17Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 14
NCBI: 219181
Homologene: 8279
Name: papilin, proteoglycan-like sulfated glycoprotein
Synonyms: E030033C16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 12
NCBI: 170721
Homologene: 71541
Name: ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 13
Synonyms: LOC279028, vWF-CP mRNA for von Willebrand factor-cleaving
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 279028
Homologene: 16372
Name: adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F5
Synonyms: 8430401C09Rik, Gpr116
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 224792
VEGA: 17
Homologene: 9065
Name: low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1
Synonyms: CD91, A2mr, b2b1554Clo
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 10
NCBI: 16971
Homologene: 1744
Name: protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 1
Synonyms: CNRc1
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 18
NCBI: 353236
Homologene: 49561
Name: fucose kinase
Synonyms: L-fucose kinase, 1110046B12Rik, Fuk
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 234730
Homologene: 15452
Name: CUB and Sushi multiple domains 3
Synonyms: 4930500N14Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 15
NCBI: 239420
Homologene: 65982
Name: synaptonemal complex protein 2
Synonyms: 3830402K23Rik, 4930518F03Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 320558
Homologene: 8604
Name: zinc finger protein 775
Synonyms: C130032F08Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 243372
Homologene: 37089
Name: tripartite motif-containing 67
Synonyms: D130049O21Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 330863
Homologene: 45699
Name: isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) beta
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 170718
Homologene: 5035
Name: interferon-induced protein 44
Synonyms: p44, MTAP44, A430056A10Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 3
NCBI: 99899
Homologene: 4683
Name: hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 2
Synonyms: 2610207I16Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 4
NCBI: 72479
Name: ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B member 1A
Synonyms: mdr-3, Mdr1a, P-gp, P-glycoprotein, Pgy-3, Pgy3, multiple drug resistant 1a, MDR3, Pgp, Evi32
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 5
NCBI: 18671
Homologene: 55496
Name: killer cell lectin-like receptor, subfamily A, member 6
Synonyms: Ly49F, Ly49f
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 6
NCBI: 16637
Homologene: 110821
Name: olfactory receptor family 4 subfamily F member 14
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2Q125-72954873-72953935, MOR245-15, Olfr1306
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 2
NCBI: 258023
Homologene: 128383
Name: ubiquitin specific peptidase 49
Synonyms: C330046L10Rik
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 17
NCBI: 224836
Homologene: 10235
Name: hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 2
Synonyms: 17 HSD type 2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 8
NCBI: 15486
Homologene: 99709
Name: POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 3
Synonyms: Brn-1, Brn1, Otf8, HST011, urehr2
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 18993
Homologene: 68509
Name: dynein, axonemal, heavy chain 7C
Synonyms: Dnahc7c
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 1
NCBI: 100101919
Homologene: 41287
Name: olfactory receptor family 10 subfamily V member 1
Synonyms: GA_x6K02T2RE5P-2247227-2248156, MOR266-4, Olfr1420
Type: Gene
Species: Mouse
Chromosome: 19
NCBI: 258405
Homologene: 17234
Genetic Alterations
ENU-induced transitions at the following base pair locations (GRCm38):
  • A to G, chromosome 1 at 42,698,214 bp
  • T to G, chromosome 1 at 46,658,290 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 2 at 10,080,316 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 2 at 26,975,750 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 2 at 57,345,355 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 2 at 111,912,774 bp
  • AG to AGCACCACAACTG, chromosome 2 at 130,279,673 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 2 at 178,351,648 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 3 at 107,448,196 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 3 at 144,916,729 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 3 at 151,732,489 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 4 at 59,610,508 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 4 at 81,383,417 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 4 at 149,192,596 bp
  • T to A, chromosome 5 at 8,719,030 bp
  • C to A, chromosome 5 at 34,601,436 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 6 at 48,619,609 bp
  • C to T, chromosome 6 at 130,023,719 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 8 at 110,883,879 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 8 at 117,702,182 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 8 at 124,794,342 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 9 at 110,944,189 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 10 at 74,631,389 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 10 at 127,558,068 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 11 at 8,434,531 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 11 at 49,019,723 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 12 at 83,781,887 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 13 at 81,678,216 bp
  • T to G, chromosome 14 at 78,511,314 bp
  • G to A, chromosome 15 at 47,838,467 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 15 at 54,862,631 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 17 at 33,847,503 bp
  • G to T, chromosome 17 at 43,422,661 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 17 at 47,679,692 bp
  • A to T, chromosome 18 at 7,905,189 bp
  • A to G, chromosome 18 at 37,090,314 bp
  • T to C, chromosome 19 at 11,896,396 bp
G1 male heterozygous mice are viable and fertile. The G1 mice were not characterized prior to archiving.
Strain Development
C57BL/6J mice were injected with ENU, resulting in G0 mice that were bred back to C57BL/6J. Sperm was archived from G1 male mice that produced viable G2 mice.
Suggested Control Mice
Wild-type littermates or C57BL/6J mice
MMRRC Genetic QC Summary
The MMRRC Centers have developed a genetic QC pipeline using MiniMUGA array genotyping to provide additional information on strain backgrounds for MMRRC congenic and inbred strains. For more information on when data may be available, or to request genotyping for a strain of interest, please contact mmrrc@missouri.edu. Older strains may not have this information.
Bruce Beutler, M.D., University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Primary Reference
MUTAGENETIX record for R6536 (G1). B. Beutler and colleagues, Center for the Genetics of Host Defense, UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX.

Colony and Husbandry Information

Colony Surveillance Program and Current Health Reports

Mice recovered from a cryo-archive will have health surveillance performed on recipient females. Health reports will be provided prior to shipment. If you require additional health status information, please email mmrrc@missouri.edu.
Coat Color
MMRRC Breeding System
Random intra-strain mating
Breeding Scheme(s)
When maintaining a live colony, heterozygous mice may be bred together, bred with wild-type siblings, or bred with C57BL/6J inbred mice.
Overall Breeding Performance
Undetermined; during development, mating was done with heterozygous males; viability, fertility and other breeding statistics for heterozygous females and homozygotes are unverified, but presumably would be similar to the C57BL/6J background strain
Average litter size
Recommended wean age
3 weeks

Order Request Information

Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive; recovered litter usually available to ship in 3 to 4 months.

Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

Distribution of this strain requires submission of the MMRRC Conditions of Use (COU). A link to the COU web form will be provided via email after an order has been placed; the form should be completed then or the email forwarded to your institutional official for completion.

The donor or their institution limits the distribution to non-profit institutions only.

Additional charges may apply for any special requests. Shipping costs are in addition to the basic distribution/resuscitation fees. Information on shipping costs and any additional charges will be provided by the supplying MMRRC facility.

Click button to Request this one strain. (Use the MMRRC Catalog Search to request more than one strain.)
MMRRC Item # Description Distribution Fee / Unit (US $)
*Shipping & Handling not included*
Units Notes
044662-MU-RESUS Litter recovered from cryo-archive $5,475.00 / Non-Profit Litter Recovered litter4; additional fees for any special requests.
Cryopreserved material may be available upon request, please inquire to mmrrc@missouri.edu for more information.

1 The distribution fee covers the expense of rederiving mice from a live mouse; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

2 An aliquot contains a sufficient number of embryos (in one or more vials or straws and based on the transfer success rate of the MMRRC facility) to transfer into one to three recipients. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning embryo transfer success experienced in the recipient investigator's laboratory. Neither gender nor genotype ratios are guaranteed.

3 An aliquot is one straw or vial with sufficient sperm to recover at least one litter of mice, as per provided protocols, when performed at the MMRRC facility. The MMRRC makes no guarantee concerning the success of these procedures when performed outside the MMRRC facilities.

4 The distribution fee covers the expense of resuscitating mice from the cryo-archive; you will receive the resulting litter. The litter will contain at minimum one mutant carrier; the actual number of animals and the gender and genotype ratios will vary. (Typically, multiple breeder pairs can be established from the recovered litter.) Prior to shipment, the MMRRC will provide information about the animals recovered. If you anticipate or find that you need to request specific genotypes, genders or quantities of mice in excess of what is likely from a resuscitated litter, you may discuss available options and pricing with the supplying MMRRC facility.

To request material from the MMRRC: Please fill out our on-line request form (accessible from the catalog search results page, or click the Request this Strain button in the fees section). If you have questions or need assistance completing this form, you may call Customer Service at (800) 910-2291 (in USA or Canada) or (530) 757-5710 (international calls). Before you call, please have with you: the MMRRC item number, quantity needed, Bill-to and Ship-to contact information.